Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Muppet Movie (1979)

I apologize for the four month gap, I like doing it once a month, but, sadly depression is hitting me over the head for the past four months and probably more.  Anyway, moving right along to the review!

I love the Muppets.  Yet somehow, when the 2011 Muppet movie came out, I never saw it.  No idea why I didn't, looking back now.  But I plan to fix that.  But first, I watched the first Muppet movie because...uh...well my mother forced me to.  But anyway!  Let's move right along, because this is the Muppet Movie, 1979!

This movie seems to have a lot of ham in it..

For those who have no idea who or what the muppets are, they are a creation of Jim Henson.  Muppets, both the word and the various characters, are combination of Marionettes and Puppets.  I would go more into the history of them but I know absolutely nothing.  So we'll move right along.

The movie starts off with the muppets...watching there own movie.  It's only going to get weirder from there, since the movie often references and makes fun of the fact it's a movie.  I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say the script of the movie they're currently in is used at one point.  

The muppets and rare human character, which are mostly cameo's of famous 1970 actors, are great.  Sure, the jokes are dumb, but it's dumb in a clever way.  

However, it's not just the jokes, the musical numbers are fantastic.  Written by the great Paul Williams, I've loved every single song not just in this film, but all that I've heard from Paul Williams.  I'll, admit I haven't heard LOTS of them, but, still.  He even makes a cameo in the film.  But moving right along

Jim Henson, was a mad genius.  He did not mess around.  I will say a small spoiler, there's a giant, building sized mupet at one point.  That is not a special effect.  That is a real giant muppet.  I'd like to believe they left it there in the desert but it was probably sadly dismantled. 

Anyway, the Muppet Movie is a great one for muppet lovers of all ages.  And Just a good movie to boot.  The songs are fantastic, the message inspirational, the acting and jokes awesome, and it's just so good.  I'm giving this 5 out of 5 stars.  Yep, my first 5 out of 5 for a movie, and second of all time.  

See you all, next time.  Also, for those who are curious why I said move right along all the time, this song from the Muppet film is why: