Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Last Exorcism Trailer

So, I missed the last two weeks because of my computer exploding.  Well, I will post three reviews on Sunday.  but as a bonus, I'm going to review the trailer of the last exorcism.



Oh my god, I need to watch that again.

It's like they wanted to do the poltergeist neck twist thing, but didn't have the budget, so the simply had the girl twist her head to the side as hard as she could, and then had someone eat celery.  Seriously, you can do everything that the girl does in the trailer.

My favorite part by far is when the girl is asked where's Nell, and she answers in the fire, and then this happens:
Oh my god!  HAIR!
Also, are we supposed to be afraid of the girl I could take out in one punch?  I mean, really, she's like what, 14?  In one part, you even see the priest holding the girl.  Successfully.  And lets not forget that they not only have a heavy camera, but also a shotgun. 

The scariest part of the trailer is where she's sitting on the the cabinet, and even then my reaction would be this:

"What the hell are you doing?"
"Get down from there!"
"Fine.  Whatever."

The part where she's crawling on the ceiling?  That's the floor.  The cameras just upside down.

According to wikipedia, the stuff the girl does includes:
Beating a cat to death with the camera
drowning a doll
walking five miles
tackling someone
and being an attention whore.

Beating a cat to death is cruel and evil on the human level, but for a demon?  Not really.  Also, why the hell did the cat sit around when Nell tried to hit it?

One last thing: The Dawn of the Dead that they advertise on the trailer, it's only one producer, and it's the remake of Dawn of the Dead, not the original.

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