Friday, June 11, 2021


I love Legos.  I love spaceships.  I love Lego spaceships a lot.  

Surprisingly, despite my love of blocks that click into other blocks that then make buildings or vehicles, I never really got into games that are literally all about that, like Terraria or Minecraft, where you can build huge fortress and craft almost everything you can imagine.  I'm just not really a creative building designer, and most games crafting is rather dull to me.

But then I found Reassembly.  and I love it so much.

Avengers Assemble!  Wait, wrong franchise.

Reassembly has no plot, no lore, no story, or even any voice acting. But none of that matters because you have blocks that attach to other blocks that can become a spaceship and then can blow up other space ships.  There's weapon blocks, power generator blocks to power said weapons, thruster blocks that make you move, shield blocks and other stranger blocks that do other useful things.

You collect resources that are mostly found by killing enemy faction ships, exchange them for Credits at ships or stations with a factory and use the Credits to upgrade the power limit of your ship and unlock new blocks.  There's seven playable factions each with different blocks and aesthetics and weapons and the like.  There's also 'Agents' which are NPC's using other players ships that go around causing chaos.  There's wormholes, self replicating Fly-bots, and for some reason the Borg show up here as well.

And, uh, that's the game.  just going around building your ship and blowing things up.  It's not exactly a deep game, but it allows tons of creativity for making space ships.  you can take ship desgins and add them to your inventory, so they will be made by NPC factory ships, as well as yourself when you get a factory module.

I enjoyed this game far more then I feel like I should have.  I have 15ish hours on it, and might add even more.  The only problems I've encountered are that in my games Agents don't appear.  and I can't upload my ship as an Agent in other peoples games.  The third problem is most damning, all the factions play similarly.  This could be my fault, however, as I tend to go slow moving but powerful sheilds and long ranged weapons, no matter what faction.  Along with tons of fighters/drones.  

Either way, Reassembly is well worth the 15 bucks if you like space games, or building spaceships.  I would give it 4/5 stars, if not 4.5 out of 5 stars. 

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