Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ori and the Blind Forest

This was finished awhile ago, I have quite a back log of reviews that need to be posted.  I might start posting twice a month.  Without further ado, the review,

Holy shit this game is BRUTAL.  I mean dear god.  I'm sure you're thinking, what game could it possibly be for me to call it brutal?  I'll tell you what, it's Ori and the goddamn Blind Forest.

Stop looking so innocent, cover art!

Make no mistake, the cute, amazing, beautiful and almost dream like graphics and art is a ruse.  A con to lure you into the world, to care about the characters and story.  

The music was arranged by an evil genius, able to elicit any emotion from your mind, but instead brings about soul crushing sadness and makes you weep.

The animation, gorgeous, the soundtrack, amazing, the art, stellar.  But make no mistake, this game should be rated M, for mental breakdown.

It's not the gameplay, hard as it is at my 450 plus deaths after finishing the game, a tough as nails platformer that puts Hollow Knight to shame, that involves precise jumps, dashes, and bouncing off enemies and projectiles like mad.  

It's the story that will bring you to your knees, that will make you sob uncontrollably, and you think, ' maybe if I do something differently it won't make me cry'.  NOPE, the ending will bring you to tears.

This game is treacherous.  Downright evil.  Do not play this game without plenty of tissues!

...with that said I give it 4.5 stars out of five.  The only reason I don't give 5 out of 5 stars is because in the Definitive Edition, if you don't do the DE only part of the game you might be lagging behind in unlockable skills to better withstand the trails Ori faces.  I found it a little too difficult to be 100% fun at the end.  If you can withstand or even like hard platformers, buy this game immediately.

...No I will not spoil the story, not even the prologue.  But even that is heart-breaking.

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