Thursday, July 15, 2010

Revolution of the Mask Review

Note: Sorry for the delay, meant this to be out on Sunday.

I have always thought that a reviewer could make a good or okay product, depending on whatever they specialize in.  Linkara has put this to the test.

Linkara reviews bad comic books, and in my opinion, is the best reviewer at That Guy with the Glasses, and could be more popular then the Nostalgia Critic, if it wasn't for the fact that still pictures and movie clips don't mix well.  He even wrote a comic book, called  Revolution of the Mask.

Now bear with me, since I don't read many comics, so...yeah.

First off, the cover.  Three copyright infringing heroes are in heroic poses.  Expect for Mystery Man(please don't make me point him out), who looks like he was interrupted while looking for his car keys, and is mildly annoyed and confused.  I would call this a group shot, but it feels like that they were dawn individually and then put together.  What really draws the eye is the guy in front of a row of computer screens, being watched by a camera, with a nest of cables around him.  What makes me stop and think is that all the monitors are green.  In the future, will the blue screen of death turn into the green screen of death?

Anyway, the  comic takes place after a devastating world war, which caused all of humanity to turn into the All, where uniqueness is outlawed, names have been replaced with designations, and anything not restricted is compulsory.  The All are ruled by the Alligarchy, which I'm not sure to put down as a dumb name or a nod to oligarchy.  Throughout the Alls cities are such inspirational messages such as, "Equality means never having to stand out", "You belong to everybody else", and "Think of others before yourself".  I guess the Very Demotivational website took over.

I have problems with this.  First off, if uniqueness is outlawed, then why...why are people still around?  Every person has a personality which is not monitored by the All, and the friends they make also make them unique.  Each person has a different appearance, although they are similar, since all men have short hair, and all women have long hair, but you see them in different styles.  I can see how the All came into power, because people do surprisingly stupid things when they don't have things like food, or shelter.

That's just me, never really got dystopias.  The comic follows Gamma-117, a news censor, whose job is to, well, censor news that disagrees with the Alls views.  Fox news! Of the future!

While Gamma is at work, he receives an all-department message, which simply says "Take cover. NOW!"  And then a guard dances through the wall!   Well, okay, he's thrown through it, but you couldn't tell from this panel.

Yeah, the the first third of the first issue is simply exposition.  The premise is that a group of individuals rediscover superheros and fight against the All, but really, the title alone should tell you that.

Issue twos cover is much better then Issue one, and one was already pretty good.  Unlike the first one, the heroes in this panel are ripping off their street clothes to reveal the costumes underneath.  I think the reason Mystery Man isn't here is because he forgot to put his costume underneath his street clothes.  The sign in the background and Gamma on the sidewalk reading something makes you wonder whats going n in the issue.  This cover made me go and buy both issues.

And...I got nothing.  We haven't gotten much personality from the characters yet, I can't tell you more about the plot, and... oh, right.  Graphics.

Look, as long as I can recognize what there supposed to be, then it's fine.  well, there are some problems with it.  The artist had problems with perspective.  A front shot of hero with her cape flying behind her, it looks like the knee length cape barely reaches her waist, and some people look like their faces are two sizes too small for their head, and how he portrays movement.  As you can see from the dancing guard picture, It's hard to figure out if it's two people or one. 

Personally, I'm going to buy the next issue of Revolution of the Mask, and come on, it's less then a dollar, so I suggest you do too.  At least give it a chance, check out the previews

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